2014 Leisure Travel Vans U24MB

2014 Leisure Travel Vans U24MB
2014 Leisure Travel Vans: Unity 24 Murphy Bed Photo from Triple E LTV Website: http://leisurevans.com

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Family Commitments!

Memorial Visit!
9th to 16th June, 2016

Winkler to Edmonton Return
13hrs & 1346kms each way!

As our LTV was in for service, we set off in our rental car for a quick return trip to Edmonton, Alberta.   

You might ask... Why?

Well, while Craig was in hospital having back surgery in April his Father passed away unexpectedly at his care home in St. Albert.  We had to wait until Craig could recover from his surgery and could travel for the memorial service.  So, we decided to combine the trip with our visit to Winkler. 

This was a quick trip from Winkler, with an overnight in Saskatoon on the way to Edmonton and then another overnight in Regina on the way back to Winkler.   

Jan bears the brunt of the driving which is virtually 100% of the time as I have been in the passenger seat now for many, many, many years!  Craig the Navigator, Jan the Pilot!


Off to Edmonton!

On the way we stopped at Chamberlain SK
Why you might ask?

Jan needed an ice cream fix at Twisted Sisters

Here we are at Dad's Memorial

Ashes were placed in the Scattering Gardens

Craig, Trudy, Lynn & Guy

This is where Dad rests - behind the bench where the yellow flower is

Babba Tomash - Dad's Mom is also at this cemetery

As is Guido Tomash - Dad's Father

Beechmount Cemetery


Return To Winkler

Our luck would have it that accommodations were scarce!  When we tried to get a room in Saskatoon, the town was sold out as Garth Brooke's Concert was in town.  Then when we were returning there was another sold out situation in Regina, as there was a huge farming Agricom convention in town! 

Jan playing in the mud puddles!


Back in Winkler to pick up the LTV!

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